Over the years there had been several pianos purchased or donated including a Gulbransen and a Wellington Upright. In 1991 the organist became aware of a Classic 1955 African Mahongany Bosendorfer Grand Piano that was in a Sun City estate sale.
Through donations from the congregation and memorials it was purchased for $11,000. It is one of 43,000 pianos that have been produced in Vienna since the 17th century; only fifty are imported to the U.S. each year. The prior owner visited the church and was happy that her piano “found such a beautiful new home in our church.”
In 1997 the Board of Directors began a discussion about creating a Generation X service. Reverend Eric Biehl was hired in July 1998 as the Minister of Christian Development and was asked to also lead and preach a contemporary service. His first LifeLink service, Where Faith and Life Connect, was held in February 1999. It was less predictable than the traditional service, music by the Wellspring Band included guitars, drums, and keyboards, and it was totally supported with multimedia.
By February 1999, there were over 100 attending of all ages. In 2002, Reverend Swicegood continued the service and called it Manna, reminding us God will provide for our needs daily. This service slowly became known as the Contemporary Service and in 2012 it was moved to the sanctuary at 10:30 as the Third Service and continues to have a casual approach.
On March 29, 1998, over 400 members and friends attended this celebration, which began with a 10:00 service in Souers Hall followed by a reception in the breezeway.
The service was filled with music and remembrances. The Desert Rose String Quartet, led by Mary Wilkening, played Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 and Jesus Joy of Man’s Desiring; the Sunday school children sang I Am A C, while the choir sang the anthems With a Voice of Joy and Sing to the Lord a Marvelous Song. The Hymn of celebration was The Church’s One Foundation.
The remembrances began with a video titled Remember the Times and then presentations by members, representing the 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70', 80's, and 90's, presented The Church Speaks Through Seven Decades.