A Note from Pastor Ted
Greetings CLP family, Thanks for making my first Sunday as your pastor so wonderful. Cathy and I already feel at home worshiping with you. I am looking forward to seeing some CLP folks this week for our S.O.A.P. study of Acts 3:1-26. Cathy and I enjoy using S.O.A.P. for our personal and couple’s devotional times. Here’s one of several helpful videos showing how to use the S.O.A.P method in our personal time with God. This coming Sunday, I’ll preach on verses 11-26 from Acts 3. Back in April, Brenda Houlihan preached on verses 1-10; here’s a video of that sermon. Enjoy your week! Walking with you in Christ, Pastor Ted |
S.O.A.P. StudyTuesday, July 9, 2024 We are excited to announce a wonderful opportunity to deepen our spiritual journey together! Pastor Ted would like to get to know you more through a SOAP (Scripture, Observation, Application, Prayer) study on Acts 3:1-26. Souers Community Hall. For more infomation visit:
S.O.A.P. StudyThursday, July 11, 2024, ONLINE ZOOM We are excited to announce a wonderful opportunity to deepen our spiritual journey together! Pastor Ted would like to get to know you more through a SOAP (Scripture, Observation, Application, Prayer) study on Acts 3:1-26.
See link to Zoom Study below (this can be saved for future Zoom Studies.)
For more infomation visit:
Acts of the Holy Spirit
Pastor Kris, Brenda and I have been developing a sermon series from the Acts of the Apostles. The Book of Acts, found in our Bibles after John’s Gospel, is the second of two volumes written by Luke, author of the Gospel that bears his name. Here’s how the Book of Acts begins: In the first book, Theophilus, I wrote about all that Jesus began to do and teach until the day when he was taken up to heaven… Notice that Luke describes the content of his Gospel, the first book, as all that Jesus began to do and teach. Here’s what Luke seems to saying as he begins Acts, the second book: “In my first book (Gospel of Luke) I wrote about the start of Jesus’ ministry, while He was on earth. Now, in my second book (Acts), I want to tell you about what Jesus continued to do and teach by the Holy Spirit working through the Apostles and others in the early church.” We are calling our new CLP sermon series “Acts of the Holy Spirit.” I’ll start the series this Sunday with a passage, Acts 2:43-47, that summarizes the life of the earliest church in the days following the outpouring of the Spirit at Pentecost: Awe came upon everyone because many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles. All who believed were together and had all things in common; they would sell their possessions and goods and distribute the proceeds to all, as any had need. Day by day, as they spent much time together in the temple, they broke bread at home and ate their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having the goodwill of all the people. And day by day the Lord added to their number those who were being saved. I encourage us all to read through this passage a few times as we prepare for worship and communion this coming Sunday. July 7. Cathy and I have found the SOAP method of Bible study helpful in our daily morning Bible study. It takes us about 15 minutes to do this. See below for more info on SOAP. In Christ, Pastor Ted |
CHRISTMAS in JULY at The Shop@CLPOpen Friday and Saturdays in the month of July! - Friday, July 5, 2024 Join us as we celebrate all things Christmas in July! Bring in your gently used clothing, housewares, decor, and more! For more infomation visit: http://clp.church/events/christmas-in-july-at-the-shop-clp/2024-07-05
2024 D-Backs Faith and Family Night w/Casting Crowns Concert!
D-Backs vs Phillies game with Casting Crowns postgame concert on FRIDAY, August 9th. $55 per ticket. REGISTRATION CLOSES JUL 29. We will be carpooling to Chase Field. For more infomation visit: http://clp.church/events/2024-d-backs-faith-and-family-night/2024-08-09
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Weekly Giving
Celebration Sunday DonutsA great way to serve Donuts that we enjoy on Celebration Sundays are generously provided each month by volunteers in our church family. Would YOU please consider signing up – either individually, with friends, or with family to split the cost – to bring assorted donuts and donut holes for coffee fellowship on the first Sundays of the month? A sign-up clipboard is available during COFFEE FELLOWSHIP. THANK YOU! For more infomation visit:
Rose Gardens Need Your TLCPlease Consider Serving on the Roses Team! Can YOU volunteer to help maintain beautiful rose gardens on our church campus? Roses need to be pruned in fall and early spring. During the blooming period, spring to autumn, the bushes need to be “dead-headed.” Deadheading is removing spent blooms from the bush. Doing this allows the bush to continue blooming. Otherwise, the rose will go to seed and much blooming will cease. Training for pruning and deadheading will be provided. Men and women are invited to join in this rewarding endeavor; High school students are also welcomed. For more information contact the church office at 623-935-3411, info@clp.com, or sign up online at https://clp.breezechms.com/form/roses. For more infomation visit:
Support the CLP mission......to love and serve all people in Christ! For more infomation visit:
The Church at Litchfield ParkWe strive to love and serve all people in Christ! SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICES
300 North Old Litchfield Road For more infomation visit:
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