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The Board of Directors met on Tuesday, June 20th, to formalize the Sr. Pastor search.  The Sr. Pastor Search Committee names were approved as follows:  Nancy Oreshack, Personnel, Board of Directors, is the chair, Chanca Morrell, Diane Piehl, Harold Matz, Kim Moran, Ed Striffler, and Ray Whittemore. The Board has requested formal proposals (including fees) from two recruiters, Vanderbloemen, and Public Good Talent.  The Board will then review both proposals and determine if the Search Committee will do their own recruiting or if it’s in the best interest of CLP to work with a recruiter. Please be in prayer for the Board, the Search Committee, and the Church as we begin this process.  Updates will continue to be posted in E-News articles and other announcements. 


The opportunity to combine some of the Worship Leader and the Associate Pastor responsibilities recently presented itself based on our current needs. Doing this requires specific gifts and experience. While we were not searching for a new Associate Pastor, three people inquired about serving as an Associate Pastor at CLP, and two of them submitted resumes. One of them has the unique set of gifts and experience we were looking for, has been worshiping with us, and happens to be an ordained pastor. He was interviewed first by Pastor Lynne and Aimee Wickersham, with permission from the Board of Directors, which led to a second interview with the Board of Directors. A quorum was present, and they unanimously agreed to continue the process, which will involve having him lead worship during the 10:45 am worship service Sunday, July 2. Assuming everything continues to go well, we hope to have him begin in the very near future. Additional responsibilities will include assisting with our two Overflow worship services and some pastoral care and may include assisting with men’s ministries and/or adult studies.


During the Choir Director search and interview process, we learned that Bev Griggs was willing to serve as the Chancel Choir Director during this season of transition. Bev will begin leading the Chancel Choir rehearsals Wednesday, September 6, as they begin a new season leading us in worship.