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Dear Church Family,

The Sr. Pastor Search Committee voted to put forth Sr. Pastor candidate, Pastor Ted Brandt, to the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors met on May 25th to interview Pastor Ted Brandt.  Pastor Kris opened the meeting with prayer, and at the conclusion of the interview, the board excused Pastor Ted, held a thorough discussion, and a vote was taken. I’m pleased to say that the board voted to approve Pastor Ted Brandt and presented him the terms of the contract.  Pastor Ted has agreed with those contract terms. 

We have now moved forward to the next step in the hiring process by asking Pastor Ted to come to The Church at Litchfield Park to preach.  Pastor Ted will be on our campus to preach at both services on June 9th.

The next step is to hold a congregation meeting and that will convene after the 10am service on June 9th.  The congregation meeting will take place in Souers Community Hall beginning at 11am.  All may attend the congregation meeting but only church members may vote, and we encourage all members to attend as a quorum is necessary to conduct business.  The Board of Directors does acknowledge that many of our congregants leave during the summer, and we debated whether to hold the vote on June 9th or wait until late October when many congregants return.  The Board felt that it was important to keep moving forward.  At the meeting Pastor Ted will answer questions that you have dropped off at church, emailed the church, or placed in the question box located at the sign-up table in Souers Community Hall.  Pastor Ted will then be asked to leave campus, a motion to hire Pastor Ted will be presented to the congregation, a vote will be taken and then tallied.  As stated in our constitution and by-laws, a two-thirds vote of members present will determine the outcome, and there is no provision for mail-in votes.  While the votes are being tallied your Board of Directors will be sharing other important information. 

Pastor Ted is coming to CLP a few days before he preaches to meet with staff and other ministries and committees on campus.  We will also host an ice cream social on Saturday, June 8th at 2 pm in Souers Community Hall to give you an opportunity to get to know Pastor Ted.  Here are a few personal items we would like to share with you as well:  Pastor Ted has four grown children, and he loves to play tennis and swim.  Pastor Ted is engaged to be married to Cathy Hines Trout, and they enjoy taking cooking classes together. Pastor Ted shared that his leadership style is collaborative, he lives a life of gratitude, and his ministry style is to look outward, not inward.  A church that is spiritually strong inward and lives outward is a healthy church.  

The Board of Directors would like to thank the Sr. Pastor Search Committee for their time and gifts spent to bring the Sr. Pastor search to this point.  You are appreciated and valued.

Please continue to hold The Church at Litchfield Park in your prayers asking for God’s will and God’s wisdom in this matter.  We look forward to seeing you at church and at the congregation meeting on June 9th.


Marcy Clement

President, Board of Directors

The Church at Litchfield Park

Attached is a selection of his resume. Below are links to an introductory video and a sermon compilation.