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The “Deep Clean” kitchen project hosted by Sharon Matz (Lappe) and Betty Minor was an overwhelming success!  Not only was every shelf, drawer, appliance, and sink scrubbed and polished, but every dish was washed before being put back in its place.  

The eleven “good and faithful servants” were most important to the success. What a wonderful group who volunteered for such a laborious task as cleaning the kitchen from top to bottom! 

But laughter and joy rang from the kitchen walls as we worked hard together for the benefit of Christ’s church. Many hands make light work (Nehemiah 3). On Wednesday, September 4, 50 manhours were poured into the kitchen transformation. 

We invite you to stop by the kitchen and take a peek.  We’re confident you will say, “Wow!”

Thank you to Ted and Brenda Greene, Nancy and Jim Montgomery, Charlotte Montanus, Betty Martello, Betsy Sitch, Jane Biggs, Lee Miller, Betty and Gary Minor, Donna Gray, and Sharon Matz!