JANUARY 22, 2025 Luncheon
Lunch Location: Papa Paul's on Old Litchfield Road in Litchfield Park
Hostess: Sue Salem
Time: 11:30
Lunch: Order off the menu (lunch menu attached)
Homework: Come prepared to discuss the Upper Room devotional for January 22, 2025, however, we will be changing our devotional time to someone different each month. The devotion leader can select from The Upper Room or from something else they'd like to share. We'll put the names in a dish and draw for February at the January luncheon. Thought it would be fun to share this task and learn from one another.
R.S.V.P. to Diane Piehl at 623-935-2796 or walterdianepiehl@cox.net, or sign up via the Church site on Breeze
Diane Piehl